Sunday 13 October 2024

Boycott Israeli Brands

Israel is involved in brutal ethnic cleansing of our Palestinian people simply called genocide and war crimes. Below is the list of brands supporting/ funding Israel. List has been prepared post research and verification.
People of conscience refrain from purchasing Israel supportive brands or online subscriptions and go for alternatives. If there are no alternatives then use free versions and avoid clicking on ads.

Details or verification:
Image showing list of Israel Linked or Supported Brands, BDS
Boycott List of Israel Linked Brands

To Download PNG of different sizes and to access Boycott Repository visit:

Note: Each n every brand has some affiliation with Israel. Search any brand name in below mentioned witness website( Additional brands proof can be searched from boycott related bookmarks pdf in boycott repository by ctrl+f key and typing brand name.
Boycott campaign is also endorsed by Religious Scholars like Mufti Taqi Usmani.

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