Sunday 13 October 2024

Haniyeh: Al-Aqsa Flood Gives Hope That Liberating Jerusalem Is a Historical Inevitability

The head of the political bureau of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, called for the formation of a popular mass front that would stand in the face of the occupation front and those with it, put an end to this aggression, and support the liberation battle that our people are waging today in all arenas of the homeland.

Haniyeh said in a speech on Wednesday on the occasion of World Jerusalem Day: The Battle of the Flood of Al-Aqsa gives hope that liberating Jerusalem and purifying it from the occupying invaders is a historical inevitability.

Attempt to resolve the conflict

He pointed out that this year’s World Jerusalem Day comes “in the shadow of the great battle of the Flood of Al-Aqsa, and our Jerusalem is torn between pain and hope. Today, it is in one of its most oppressive and oppressive stages due to the open Zionist aggression against its Islamic and Christian sanctities, its people in Jerusalem, and its human heritage.”

He added that the enemy had tried in recent years to resolve the conflict over the land of Palestine through the gate of Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa, but the resistance surprised him from the proud Gaza front with the Al-Aqsa Flood.

He stressed that this operation constituted a strategic strike that restored the conflict to its natural state, removed all the masks from the faces hidden by false peace, and clearly revealed the aggressive, exterminations reality of the Zionist entity and its crimes that are shocking to humanity.

Haniyeh said: The world sees the crimes of the occupation today in Gaza, the West Bank and Jerusalem, which go beyond that to target our people and the peoples of our nation in the region outside Palestine, defying all international and humanitarian laws and norms.

Sacrifices spanning 100 years

He pointed out that for more than 100 years, our people have been making the most precious sacrifices in order to achieve their freedom and remove the Zionist occupation from their land. They have presented and continue to present convoys and processions of martyrs, and thousands of our people have spent long years of their lives in the occupation’s prisons. Our people have suffered from the siege, destruction, the wall, displacement and asylum.

He praised all the blessed efforts made by the sons of our nation in support of Gaza and Palestine, and addressed our peoples, saying: You are our pride, our back, and our depth, and what is required to lift the injustice from Gaza and stop the aggression against it is much greater than what is currently taking place in our Arab and Islamic peoples with all their institutions, platforms, parties, and living forces.

We broke the fear barrier

He stressed that the heroes of Gaza and Palestine broke the barrier of fear and shattered the false terror of this occupation and presented an inspiring model of heroism and sacrifice, and we are facing a historic opportunity to inflict a resounding defeat on the Zionist project and its allies.

He added: This blessed battle has united the ranks of the nation's sons, and the greatest scene of this unity was evident in the unity of the arenas and fronts from Palestine to Lebanon, Yemen and Iraq, with the support and backing of the Islamic Republic. The resistance forces have said their word: We are a nation that does not remain silent about injustice, nor do we accept oppression, nor do we accept the usurpation of our rights, and we will not accept that the enemy monopolize the honorable Gaza.

He saluted all the arms and minds of the resistance forces participating in the direct fighting alongside the Palestinian resistance, and prayed for mercy for the martyrs who ascended from these dear Arab and Islamic countries throughout the past months, who engaged in the confrontation with the enemy in support of Gaza and to back it up in the face of this criminal war.

Glorious page

He said: Gaza today presents a glorious page of the nation’s pages and the vigour of its jihad and resistance, which does not rest, no matter how brutal the occupation, its terrorism, the daily massacres and the war of genocide that is being committed. However, the resistance continues to stand firm in the field and resist the enemy on all fronts of combat in an eternal battle that confirms that it is resilient, that it is resilient to uprooting and that it continues to carry out its duty in defending its people.

He added: We, in the resistance movements on the land of Palestine, have pledged to God and then to our people that we will be faithful to the sacrifices of this people and their aspirations for freedom and the restoration of their land and rights, no matter what the cost.

He stressed that the leadership of the resistance stands at the forefront of the ranks to set a model and example in offering martyrs, patience and tireless effort until God permits victory, return and the establishment of the State of Palestine with Jerusalem as its capital.

Fall of illusions

He said: All the illusions and myths that the Zionist enemy created for itself, its army and its capabilities have fallen in this battle, and its elite and many of its allies have come out to talk about the existential crisis that the entity is facing.

He added: The brutality of the Zionist enemy that we see today was the result of its realization of its inability to remain as an occupying and usurping entity in the face of the steadfast Palestinian people who refuse the idea of ​​surrender and giving up Palestine despite all the normalization attempts that were swept away by the flood of Al-Aqsa.

He stressed that this Zionist aggression against our people and our sanctities would not have continued and reached this level of brutality without the American cover and even actual participation in the crimes of this occupation.

He recalled Imam Khomeini, “who made Jerusalem a pillar of the revolution and resistance and a renewed lofty goal for the glorious Islamic nation, and called for a Jerusalem Day for the nation to rise up to its duty and unite its forces to liberate Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa from the clutches of the usurping Zionist occupation.”

Haniyeh condemned the heinous crime committed by the enemy on Syrian soil recently, which led to the martyrdom of a group of leaders of the Quds Force in the Revolutionary Guards of the Islamic Republic of Iran, along with the deaths of a number of sons of our sister Syria in this aggression.

He expressed Hamas' appreciation for the pioneering role played by South Africa in filing legal cases in The Hague and beginning the trial of the leaders of this entity for the crimes they are committing in Gaza and achieving justice for these murderers whose massacres and atrocities have always been covered up throughout history.

He said: It is time for the conscience of the world to reject any cover or umbrella for these people and for them to be under the sword of justice, international law and international humanitarian law.


Regarding the negotiations to stop the aggression on Gaza, the Hamas leader stressed that the Zionist occupation is evasive, stubborn and does not respond to our just demands to stop the war and aggression.

He pointed out that the occupation government is determined to continue this aggression and that what matters to Netanyahu and those with him is to remain in power for as long as possible.

Haniyeh said: We clearly affirm that we are committed to our demands, which are a permanent ceasefire, a comprehensive withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, the full return of the displaced to their places of residence, the entry of all necessary aid to our people in Gaza, the reconstruction of the Strip, the lifting of the siege, and the conclusion of an honorable prisoner exchange deal. All of this is on the path to achieving our Palestinian people’s goals in their land, homeland, and holy sites.

At the end of his speech, Haniyeh extended his greetings and appreciation to our Palestinian people in Gaza, Jerusalem, the West Bank, the occupied Palestinian territories of 1948, in asylum, in exile, and in the occupation prisons.

He also paid tribute to the heroes of the Palestinian resistance who humiliated the occupation and wrote epics of heroism that should be taught to generations.

He saluted the fronts of the axis of resistance that are burning along the confrontation line with the enemy, and he saluted the peoples of our Arab and Islamic nation, who are purposeful, gathered, continuous, and united with Palestine, Gaza, and the free people of the world everywhere.

Kid recognizing his loved ones after Israeli mass killing of civilians.

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